Kevin Colegate (The Tartarus Key)
All the way from Portugal, we've got Vertical Reach Games' Kevin Colegate on the show! His technical prowess has not only brought the iconic visual novel Aviary Attorney to Nintendo Switch, but also created the eerie PS1-inspired horror adventure The Tartarus Key. (He's also listened to 30 episodes of the show?? 😳) We discuss networking with other devs, scanning 19th century artwork, and the horrors of Banjo-Kazooie. Chiptune artist of the week is drtrnbnsndwtr!
🐘 Kevin's Mastodon:
🌐 Vertical Reach Website:
📀 Drtrnbnsndwtr:
🍕 Pixel Pizza Socials: @PixelPizzaPod
✉️ Pixel Pizza Email: pixelpizza at yahoo dot com